Actimi GmbH

Efficient medical care for nursing homes

Reducing unplanned hospital stays in nursing homes while freeing up staff and doctors’ resources.

For nursing homes

Better care for residents and relief for staff

Avoid unplanned hospital stays with ACTIMI Senior Care. With the support of the Technical University of Munich, your doctor with a health insurance contract can react early in the event of decompensation.

For doctors

Save time as a doctor with statutory health insurance

Avoid unnecessary appointments and get an overview of your inpatients. The Technical University of Munich reports decompensation warnings for you.


One appliance set per residential unit

Several residents can use the same set of appliances. You can easily switch residents via a selection function.


Start telemonitoring now

Product Demonstration

In a online call we show you the system live.

Register TMZ

Reduction in unplanned hospital stays

Indicate Your Patients

Patient compliance (days with complete data transmission)

Get in touch with us


Albert-Schäffle-Strasse 119
70186 Stuttgart, Germany

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