Actimi GmbH

ACTIMI as an exhibitor at the DMEA 2023

ACTIMI as an exhibitor at the DMEA 2023

With around 16,000 visitors from 42 countries, around 700 innovative exhibitors from 30 countries and 300 national and international speakers who presented a colorful mix of scientific and practical perspectives on 27,000 square meters, DMEA 2023 was one of the most important events to drive the digital transformation in the German and international healthcare sector and once again broke visitor records.

In the Start-up Area, we presented our latest additions to our telemonitoring platform. These include new sensors such as a blood glucose meter and a Spo2 sensor. We have also enhanced the platform with several Quality of Life features to further improve patient compliance. This is currently 97.5% (complete data transfer of patients).

The event once again served as a source of inspiration and offered the opportunity to exchange ideas with other innovators and pioneers in the field of digital health. The shared commitment to improving healthcare was palpable and made the event an enriching platform to connect with a diverse group of like-minded people.

As a platform provider, we are excited about the future and look forward to playing an active role in shaping it.

Our thanks go to the organizing team for staging an event of this size and impact. Our thanks also go to all visitors, partners and users who visited us and with whom we were able to hold interesting discussions.

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